Cloud & Platform Engineering
NuByt is technology and vendor agnostic. Our client relationships are fiduciary; we always look out for your best interests.


“In today's world, growing revenue while decreasing costs is vital. Cloud adoption further helps you bring secure and highly scalable solutions..”

Benefits of Cloud services

Accessibility and mobility

Data in the cloud can be stored, retrieved, recovered, or processed from anywhere in the world with just a couple of clicks via any device 24/7.

High speed and quick deployment

Speed in software development and deployment without dependencies on on-site hardware limitations.

Efficiency and cost reduction

No need to spend huge amounts of money on purchasing and maintaining hardware, facilities, utilities, or data center(s) and on IT teams

Data Security

Hardware/software failures do not result in data loss because of backups, granular permissions, and access management. Cloud storage comes with added security measures to tighten access to sensitive information in the cloud.


Every company is unique with different IT needs. Cloud services enable to efficiently and quickly scale IT infrastructure as per business needs and demands. Scalability comes with minimized risks, high performance, and fewer maintenance costs.

Competitive Edge

Cloud offers access to world-class enterprise technology to be ahead of your competitors.

Cloud & Platform Engineering

What do you get from us?